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ROMANTIC CLASSICS for saxophone and piano

29 June 2024, Saturday, 19:00-21:00

Musicians: Judit Váradi, piano and Levente Puskás, saxophone

The concert will feature works by Handel, R. Schumann, Rahmaninov, Piazzolla, László Lajta, Márton Kerékfy and János Vajda.

Salon programme: wine tasting courtesy of Négy80 Winery, informal disussion with the artists.

Tickets: HUF 3,500

Judit Váradi, an Artisjus Award-winning pianist and university professor, plays a significant role in the Hungarian and international classical music scene through her versatile activities in music education, performance, research, and public engagement. Since 1988, she has been teaching at the Faculty of Music at the University of Debrecen. As a performer, she has given concerts in numerous countries across Europe and the United States. She has participated in television and radio recordings presenting contemporary Hungarian and foreign musical works. In 2017, she released a CD titled "Saxon," in 2019 a CD titled "Tetra," and in 2024 a CD titled "Fragments," all in collaboration with saxophonist Levente Puskás. Her work has been recognized with numerous awards.

Levente Puskás, an Artisjus Award-winning Hungarian saxophonist and clarinetist, is the alto saxophonist of the Budapest Saxophone Quartet and a member of several ensembles. He is currently a lecturer at the Faculty of Music at the University of Debrecen. As a performer, he has given concerts in many countries worldwide, from the United States to Europe and Japan. He has worked with renowned artists both domestically and internationally. Since 2007, he has been performing with his colleague and regular chamber partner, pianist Judit Váradi.

For the first time this season, the audience at Csigó Malom will have the opportunity to hear the extraordinary joint performance of these two artists.

The concert is supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.



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